
acstools.utils_findsat_mrt.create_mrt_line_kernel(width, sigma, outfile=None, shape=(1024, 2048), plot=False, theta=None, processes=1)

Creates a model signal MRT signal of a line of specified width.

The trails can be blurred by a simple Gaussian model PSF. More accurate PSF convolution using an input PSF model will be incorporated in the future. These kernels are used for detection of real linear signals in the MRT of imaging data.

  • width (int) – Width of the line. Intensity is constant over this width.

  • sigma (float) – Gaussian sigma of the PSF. This is NOT FWHM.

  • outfile (str or None, optional) – Location to save an output fits file of the kernel. The default is None. If a filename is given and it exists, it will be overwritten.

  • sz (tuple of int, optional) – Size of the image on which to place the line. The default is (1024, 2048).

  • plot (bool, optional) – Flag to plot the original image, MRT, and kernel cutout.

  • theta (array or None, optional) – Set of angles in degrees at which to calculate the MRT, default is None, which defaults to np.arange(0, 180, 0.5).

  • processes (int, optional) – Number of processes to use when calculating MRT. Default is 1 (no multi-processing).


kernel – The resulting kernel.

Return type:
