Satellite Trails Detection
This module contains the tools needed for satellite detection within an ACS/WFC image as published in ACS ISR 2016-01.
Only tested for ACS/WFC FLT and FLC images, but it should theoretically work for any instrument.
Requires skimage version 0.11.x or later.
slightly different results from run to run, but this should
not matter since detsat()
only provides a crude
approximation of the actual trail(s).
Performance is faster when plot=False
, where applicable.
>>> from acstools.satdet import detsat, make_mask
>>> from acstools.utils_findsat_mrt import update_dq
Find trail segments for a single image and extension without multiprocessing, and display plots (not shown) and verbose information:
>>> results, errors = detsat(
... 'jc8m10syq_flc.fits', chips=[4], n_processes=1,
... plot=True, verbose=True)
1 file(s) found...
Processing jc8m10syq_flc.fits[4]...
Rescale intensity percentiles: 110.161376953, 173.693756409
Length of PHT result: 42
min(x0)= 1, min(x1)= 269, min(y0)= 827, min(y1)= 780
max(x0)=3852, max(x1)=4094, max(y0)=1611, max(y1)=1545
topx=3896, topy=1848
Trail Direction: Right to Left
42 trail segment(s) detected
End point list:
1. (1256, 1345), (2770, 1037)
2. ( 11, 1598), ( 269, 1545)
Total run time: 22.4326269627 s
>>> results[('jc8m10syq_flc.fits', 4)]
array([[[1242, 1348],
[2840, 1023]],
[[1272, 1341],
[2688, 1053]],
[[2697, 1055],
[2967, 1000]]])
>>> errors
Find trail segments for multiple images and all ACS/WFC science extensions with multiprocessing:
>>> results, errors = detsat(
... '*_flc.fits', chips=[1, 4], n_processes=12, verbose=True)
6 file(s) found...
Using 12 processes
Number of trail segment(s) found:
abell2744-hffpar_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_11_01_jc8n11q9q_flc.fits[1]: 0
abell2744-hffpar_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_11_01_jc8n11q9q_flc.fits[4]: 4
abell2744_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_51_04_jc8n51hoq_flc.fits[1]: 2
abell2744_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_51_04_jc8n51hoq_flc.fits[4]: 34
abell2744_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_93_02_jc8n93a7q_flc.fits[1]: 20
abell2744_acs-wfc_f814w_13495_93_02_jc8n93a7q_flc.fits[4]: 20
j8oc01sxq_flc.fits[1]: 0
j8oc01sxq_flc.fits[4]: 0
jc8m10syq_flc.fits[1]: 0
jc8m10syq_flc.fits[4]: 38
jc8m32j5q_flc.fits[1]: 42
jc8m32j5q_flc.fits[4]: 12
Total run time: 34.6021330357 s
>>> results[('jc8m10syq_flc.fits', 4)]
array([[[1242, 1348],
[2840, 1023]],
[[1272, 1341],
[2688, 1053]],
[[2697, 1055],
[2967, 1000]]])
>>> errors
For a given image and extension, create a DQ mask for a satellite trail using the first segment (other segments should give similar masks) based on the results from above (plots not shown):
>>> trail_coords = results[('jc8m10syq_flc.fits', 4)]
>>> trail_segment = trail_coords[0]
>>> trail_segment
array([[1199, 1357],
[2841, 1023]])
>>> mask = make_mask('jc8m10syq_flc.fits', 4, trail_segment,
... plot=True, verbose=True)
Rotation: -11.4976988695
Hit image edge at counter=26
Hit rotate edge at counter=38
Run time: 19.476323843 s
Update the corresponding DQ array using the mask from above:
>>> update_dq('jc8m10syq_flc.fits', 6, mask, verbose=True)
DQ flag value is 16384
Input... flagged NPIX=156362
Existing flagged NPIX=0
Newly... flagged NPIX=156362
jc8m10syq_flc.fits[6] updated
Find satellite trails in the given images and extensions. |
Create DQ mask for an image for a given satellite trail. |