- acstools.polarization_tools.calc_stokes(pol0, pol60, pol120, c0=1, c60=1, c120=1)
Calculate the Stokes parameters for ACS observations.
- Parameters:
pol0 (float) – Measurement in the POL0 filter. Units: electrons or electrons/second.
pol60 (float) – Measurement in the POL60 filter. Units: electrons or electrons/second.
pol120 (float) – Measurement in the POL120 filter. Units: electrons or electrons/second.
c0 (float (Default = 1; optional)) – Efficiency term for the POL0 filter. This comes from the ACS Data Handbook Table 5.6 in Section 5.3.4.
c60 (float (Default = 1; optional)) – Efficiency term for the POL60 filter. This comes from the ACS Data Handbook Table 5.6 in Section 5.3.4.
c120 (float (Default = 1; optional)) – Efficiency term for the POL120 filter. This comes from the ACS Data Handbook Table 5.6 in Section 5.3.4.
- Returns:
i, q, u – Stokes I, Q, and U parameters.
- Return type:
tuple of floats